Necessary Supplies

Food and Water Bowls

First things first: your dog will need food and water bowls. Use stainless steel or ceramic food and water bowls, and wash them frequently in hot soapy water. These dishes should be placed in a location that is easily accessible to your dog, so he/she can have fresh water and food available to him/her whenever he/she needs them.

Carrier and/or Dog Bed

Every dog should have a place in the home that he can call his own. This can be a carrier or a dog bed. Once you decide which style to purchase, make sure you buy one that is not only tall enough for your dog to stand up in, but also big enough for him to easily turn around in and stretch out completely. Put the carrier or bed in a place that gets a lot of traffic, such as the kitchen or den, to keep your dog feeling like part of the family.

Collar and ID Tag

One of your very first purchases should be a collar with an identification tag, which your dog should wear at all times. A collar can be used to restrain in case of emergency, and the identification tag can be used to easily identify him/her and return him/her to his owner if he/she is ever lost.


Your dog will also need a variety of toys. Choose toys that are interesting and entertaining, but also safe and durable. Never give a puppy a toy that is small enough for him/her to swallow. Offering too many toys at once may overwhelm your dog, so try to give him/her just a few at a time, and then switch them for different toys periodically.

Medical Supplies

Keeping some medical supplies on hand is a great idea. You never know what sort of situation might come up, and it’s always good to be prepared. One of the best ways to prepare for an emergency is to have certain supplies on hand, including the following:

• Antibacterial ointment
• Aspirin
• Cotton Balls
• Gauze pads and bandages
• Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent)
• Petroleum jelly
• Petroleum jelly
• Scissors
• Tape
• Towel
• Tweezers

Keeping calm is very important because it will help your dog to stay calm as well. You can speak to him in a calm, reassuring voice and help him/her to know that everything's okay. It may be a good idea to muzzle your dog (with an actual muzzle, or even with a necktie or a scarf) to prevent fear biting. Even if your dog never bites, an extreme circumstance may cause him/her to do things that would normally be out of character for him/her, which is another reason to remain calm around him/her.

Any active dog will get his fair share of cuts and scratches, most of which can be taken care of quite easily. First, thoroughly flush the area with water to make sure the affected area is clean of debris and dirt. Then, apply an antibiotic cream a few times a day until the injury has healed.

If a cut is accompanied by severe bleeding, press a thick gauze pad or towel against the wound to minimize the flow of blood. Take your dog to a vet as soon as possible.

Significant health problems may require the expertise of a vet, but little bumps and scratches can be treated at home

Grooming Requirements

Basic grooming materials are also requirements. They are not only used to make your dog the prettiest around, but also to keep him/her clean and healthy. The type of tools you’ll need will depend on the type of dog, but standard supplies include a short-haired rake, a wire slicker brush, narrow- and wide-toothed combs, a bristle brush, dog nail clippers, dental supplies, and shampoo.

When you are buying material for your dog for the first time, it may seem that there are a lot to purchase. It is a big initial investment, but keep in mind that many of these supplies will last for years, and the return on your investment (paid in the form of wet kisses, loyalty, and love) will likely make it all worthwhile.